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Bladestorm The Hundred Years' War
Stan bardzo dobry. Gra na PS3
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Wydawnictwo Rok wydania 2006 Oprawa Liczba stron Pieczątki biblioteczne ROME THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON FILM W WERSJI ORYGINALNEJ, ANGLOJĘZYCZNEJ BEZ POLSKICH NAPISÓW I LEKTORA (ZAKUPIONY ZA GRANICĄ) EDYCJA LIMITOWANA W DREWNIANYM OPAKOWANIU- 6 PŁYT DVD (12 ODCINKÓW) STAN IDEALNY - RAZ OBEJRZANY, BEZ USZKODZEŃ, ZARYSOWAŃ The year is 52 B.C. Four hundred years after the founding of the Republic, Rome is the wealthiest city in the world, a cosmopolitan metropolis of one million people; epicenter of a sprawling empire. The Republic was founded on principles of shared power and fierce personal competition, never allowing one man to seize absolute control. But now, those foundations are crumbling, eaten away by corruption and excess. After eight years of war, two soldiers, Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo unwittingly become entwined in the historical events of ancient Rome. A serialized drama of love and betrayal, masters and slaves, husbands and wives, Rome chronicles a turbulent era that saw the death of the republic and the birth of an empire. STAN JAK NA ZDJĘCIU.
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Kate Elliott trylogia Spirit Shadow Traitors Gate
trylogia "Crossroads" - Spirit Gate, Shadow Gate i Traitors Gate
autor: Kate Elliott
Hardback: 630, 657 i 572 pages
Publisher: BCA
Language English
Product Dimensions: 20,5 x 13.5 x 4,5 cm
Stan: używane, stan bardzo dobry
(drugi tom ma zagniecenie na grzbiecie obwoluty)
Spirit Gate:
For hundreds of years the Guardians ruled the Hundred, but these unearthly beings have faded from human sight and no longer exert their will on the world. Only the reeves, patrolling from the skies, still represent the Guardians' power. But there is a corruption in the land that not even they can control, and fanatics are devastating villages, towns, and cities, slaughtering all who oppose them. Outlanders Anji and Mai are fleeing their homeland with a company of dedicated warriors. On reaching the Hundred, they form an alliance with Reeve Joss, and determine to stand against the devouring horde. But, as region after region slips into chaos, a young woman sworn to the Goddess may be all that keeps them from annihilation ...A haunting tale of individuals swept up by the chaos of war, this is fantasy adventure at its best - rich in texture, filled with colour and excitement.
Shadow Gate:
Marit was pretty sure she had been murdered. She vividly recalled the assassin’s dagger, and her dying vision had shown her the next world - but her spirit had not made the journey. She woke alone, sprawled on a Guardian’s altar, with more questions than answers.The Guardians once ruled the Hundred, but disappeared in ages past, leaving reeves to manage the peace in their stead. But Marit finds this peace has been shattered as a desperate army ravages the land, and its leaders walk in shadow, wearing the cloaks of lost Guardians. As she searches for meanings in a changed world, Marit finds her old love Joss and the Outlander Anji struggling to maintain order amidst chaos. But her own enemies are drawing close. Marit tries to untangle the web of betrayals that connect her murder with the razing of the countryside, but she can’t run forever. She will be found and there will be choices: complicity or death.
Traitors Gate:
Reeve Joss is struggling to defend a country ravaged by the assaults of twin armies. His men now patrol a land of burning villages and homeless refugees as Joss tries to separate traitor from friend. The Reeve's thoughts are also plagued by the intriguing Zubaidit, pleasure-giver, spy and temple-trained assassin. But Zubaidit is focused on a dangerous mission, her target being warped Guardian Lord Radas. His death would leave the invading militia in chaos, but the old tales tell truly of the Guardians' immortality - and of the powers they now wield to twist the hearts of men. Joss's nights are also troubled, disturbed by dreams of Marit. His lost love has returned from death to become a feared Guardian herself, but Marit rejected the corrupt temptations they offered. She now seeks others of her kind, praying some are yet uncontaminated by the blight on the land - and have the will to fight it.