ie rezygnuj nigdy z celu tylko dlatego, że jego osiągniecie wymaga ...

Telefon systemowy ALCATEL LUCENT 4019 OmniPCX
Oferuję TELEFON SYSTEMOWY ALCATEL LUCENT 4019 OmniPCX. Telefon pochodzi z polskiej dystrybucji.

MAM 8 takich telefonów. Wszystkie 8 sprzedam za 1400 zł (jeden gratis)



Rozdzielczość: 20 znaków

Wielkość: 75x12


Klawisze programowalne: 6 klawiszy z diodami LED

Nawigator: 2 kierunkowy

Klawisze zatwierdzenia (OK) i wyjścia

Klawisze wiadomości z diodami LED

Klawisz zakończenia połączenia

Klawisz ponownego wybierania numeru

Klawisz systemu pomocy

Klawisz przełączania do trybu głośnomówiącego z diodą LED


Głośnik zewnętrzny

Klawisze regulacji głośności

Klawisz wyciszania z diodą LED

Słuchawka Standard

Wybieranie według nazwiska**

WAGA (gramy) 790 g.


Sam telefon 220x175x133 mm

Telefon systemowy przeznaczony dla systemów OmniPCX Office/Enterprise.

telefon Alcatel Lucent 4019
Zapraszam do zakupu telefonu systemowego Alcatel Lucent 4019. W posiadaniu mam 1 sztukę tego modelu - podłączona do centrali przez krótki okres czasu (stan idealny).

Koszt 290 PLN (w sklepie cena od 500 PLN!)

Opis modelu 4019 - Telefon systemowy dla Alcatel OmniPCX.

Systemowy aparat telefoniczny z wyświetlaczem , z 6 klawiszami programowalnymi, identyfikacja abonenta wywołującego, współpraca z zestawem nagłownym

Podstawowe funkcje i parametry:

Wyświetlacz LCD 1x20 znaków

6 przycisków programowalnych

10 numerów pamięci indywidualnej

Wbudowany głośnik

Wyciszenie "Mute"

LED nagranej wiadomości

Wybieranie po nazwie

Komunikaty tekstowe

Lista nieodebranych połączeń

Możliwość montażu naściennego

Możliwość podłączenia przystawek 50 i 120 przycisków*


Szerokość: 220,5 mm

Wysokość: 133 mm

Głębokość: 175 mm

Masa: 790 g

*dla centrali OmniPCX Office

Możliwość zakupu pakietu : 3 x model 4019 + 1 x model 4039 w cenie 1000 PLN.

W razie jakichkolwiek pytań proszę o kontakt.


Przedmiotem aukcji jest:


Alcatel 4019
Telefon systemowy

Rozdzielczość: 20 znaków
Wielkość: 75x12

Klawisze programowalne: 6 klawiszy z diodami LED
Nawigator: 2 kierunkowy
Klawisze zatwierdzenia (OK) i wyjścia
Klawisze wiadomości z diodami LED
Klawisz zakończenia połączenia
Klawisz ponownego wybierania numeru
Klawisz systemu pomocy
Klawisz przełączania do trybu głośnomówiącego z diodą LED

Głośnik zewnętrzny
Klawisze regulacji głośności
Klawisz wyciszania z diodą LED
Słuchawka Standard
Wybieranie według nazwiska**

Normal 0 21 false false false PL X-NONE X-NONE

Telefony odświeżone, nowe słuchawki, nowe sznury, mogą posiadać drobne rysy itp, wszystkie 100% sprawne

W zestawie: kompletny telefon (urządzenie+ przewód+ słuchawka)

Cena promocyjna 123 brutto- najtaniej na allegro!

Pełna faktura VAT 23%

natychmiastowa wysyłka

możliwy odbiór osobisty w Warszawie.

W sprzedaży posiadamy też kary min: Z32, eUA32, UA32 oraz aparaty 4029 i 4019

Zapraszam do zakupu.

TBM Telekom Sp. z o.o.

ul. Miła 2

00-180 Warszawa

Tel: 22-567-89-06





hipath, hicom centrala telefoniczna, centrale telefoniczna, siemens, ericsson, alcatel

--- gwarancja 12 miesięcy ---

    l100% gwarancji najwyższej:
      lSprawności lJakości lNajniższej ceny



    lPodana cena jest ceną BRUTTO l

    Jestem bezpośrednim importerem sprzętu teleinformatycznego

po zalicytowaniu pamiętaj aby poinformować nas o sposobie płatności oraz wysyłki

Copyright 2012 P.P.H.U SLAS


! TELEFON CYFROWY IP Alcatel 4068 nowy



Regulamin aukcji

Licytując zgadza się na warunki z aukcji.
Wystawiamy faktury VAT i paragony.

Przed licytacją koniecznie zadzwoń, aby potwierdzić szczegóły aukcji.

Telefon Systemowy IP Alcatel

4068 grafit

Telefon systemowy IP do central Alcatel
Aparat jest nowy. Używane po 320zł proszę pytać wystawie.

Sam telefon 240x175x133 mm

W ofercie posiadam inne modele telefonów systemowych Alcatel, Siemens.
Dostępne większe ilości
Przed licytacją zadzwoń.

Do­stępne używane telefony
Tel­efon Alcatel 155x 4034
Telefon Alcatel 20x 4004
Telefon Alcatel 10x 4011
Telefon Alcatel 100x 4023
Telefon Alcatel 200x 4010
Telefon Alcatel 220x 4020
Telefon Alcatel 2000x4035
Telefon Alcatel 500x4035IP
Telefon Alcatel 10x 4001
Telefon Alcatel 30x 4003
Telefon Alcatel 200x 4019
Telefon Alcatel 100x 4029
Telefon Alcatel 10x 4039
Nowe telefony z dystrybucji z upustem 50% >>
Power DECT 300/Telefon Alcatel 400
Telefon Alcatel 400 DECT
Telefon Alcatel 4008
Telefon Alcatel 4018
Telefon Alcatel 4019
Telefon Alcatel 4028
Telefon Alcatel 4029
Telefon Alcatel 4038
Telefon Alcatel 4039
Telefon Alcatel 4068
Telefon Alcatel 4070 EO-RF
Telefon Alcatel 4070 IO EX IBS

Warunki Finansowe Nasza firma wychodząc naprzeciw klientowi ma w ofercie kilka usług finansowych

- Dla szkół sprzedaż z 0% VAT

- Każda firma, która nie jest na czarnej liście w KRD może dostać towar z 7 dniowym terminem płatności.

- LEASING poprzez

- Raty dla stałych klientów

- Faktury VAT z przedłużonym terminem płatności dla stałych klientów

Gwarancja Podstawą gwarancji jest dowód zakupu faktura lub paragon. Sprzęt domyślnie ma 1 rok gwarancji chyba, że w opisie aukcji pisze inaczej. Gwarancje można przedłużyć nawet do 5 lat za odpowiedni± dopłatą, ustalenia indywidualne.

Koszty wysyłki

Sprzęt wysyłamy firmą kurierską UPS

Dostawa na następny dzień roboczy. Standardowa nasza cena 27zł brutto. W cenie zawiera się solidne opakowanie ubezpieczenie przesyłki.


Na życzenie wysyłamy przesyłki innymi firmami kurierskimi.

Dane Bankowe Numer konta: Numer konta:

W przypadku wpłaty na konto w tytule wpłaty podaj swój nick i nr aukcji


Tomasz Filak
ul. Ludowa 303
42-200 Częstochowa
NIP 573-253-94-99

tel - 034-3724436
fax - 034-372443
GSM - 602199158


Numer GG: 4586082

System cabinets
Enterprise Base System - Rack module
3BA00716AA Communication Server software for up to 12 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 1‚110V/230VAC
3BA00716AV Communication Server software for up to 12 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 1‚48VDC
3BA00717AA Communication Server software for up to 12 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 1‚110V/230VAC
3BA00717AV Communication Server software for up to 12 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 1‚48VDC
3BA00736AA Communication Server software for up to 12 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 1‚110V/230VAC
3BA00736AV Communication Server software for up to 12 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 1‚48VDC
3BA00737AA Communication Server software for up to 12 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 1‚110V/230VAC
3BA00737AV Communication Server software for up to 12 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 1‚48VDC
3BA00718AA Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00718AV Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ carte CPU CS-2‚ One rack module 3‚48VDC
3BA00719AA Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00719AV Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ carte CPU CS-2‚ One rack module 3‚48VDC
3BA00720AA Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00720AV Communication Server software pour 24 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚ 48VDC
3BA00738AA Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00738AV Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ carte CPU CS-2‚ One rack module 3‚48VDC
3BA00739AA Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00739AV Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ carte CPU CS-2‚ One rack module 3‚48VDC
3BA00740AA Communication Server software for up to 24 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00740AV Communication Server software pour 24 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚ 48VDC
3BA00721AA Communication Server software for up to 50 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00721AV Communication Server software for up to 50 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚48VDC
3BA00741AA Communication Server software for up to 50 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00741AV Communication Server software for up to 50 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚48VDC
3BA00722AA Communication Server software for up to 80 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00722AV Communication Server software for up to 80 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚48VDC
3BA00742AA Communication Server software for up to 80 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚230VAC
3BA00742AV Communication Server software for up to 80 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ One rack module 3‚48VDC
3BA00723AA Communication Server software for up to 150 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Two racks module 3‚230VAC
3BA00723AV Communication Server software for up to 150 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Two racks module 3‚48VDC
3BA00743AA Communication Server software for up to 150 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Two racks module 3‚230VAC
3BA00743AV Communication Server software for up to 150 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Two racks module 3‚48VDC
3BA00724AA Communication Server software for up to 350 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Three racks module3‚ 230VAC
3BA00724AV Communication Server software for up to 350 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Three racks module3‚ 48VDC
3BA00744AA Communication Server software for up to 350 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Three racks module3‚ 230VAC
3BA00744AV Communication Server software for up to 350 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Three racks module3‚ 48VDC
3BA00725AA Communication Server software for up to 500 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Three racks module3‚ 230VAC
3BA00725AV Communication Server software for up to 500 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Three racks module3‚ 48VDC
3BA00745AA Communication Server software for up to 500 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Three racks module3‚ 230VAC
3BA00745AV Communication Server software for up to 500 users‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ Three racks module3‚ 48VDC
Enterprise Base System - Crystal
3BA00629AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 150 ACT14/CPU7-2 up to 150 users
3BA00630AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 350 ACT14/CPU7-2 up to 350 users
3BA00631AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 350 ACT28/CPU7-2 up to 350 users
3BA00632AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 500 ACT28/CPU7-2 up to 500 users
Enterprise Base System - Appliance server
3BA00619AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 80 without Appliance Server up to 80 users‚ 230V (must be used with external battery and rack), One rack module 3U & Gateway driver processing unit GD
3BA00619AV Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 80 without Appliance Server up to 80 users (48V), One rack module 3U & Gateway driver processing unit GD
3BA00622AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 150 ACT14/INT IP‚ without Appliance Server up to 150 users
3BA00623AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 350 ACT14/INT IP‚ without Appliance Server up to 350 users
3BA00624AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 350 ACT28/INT IP‚ without Appliance Server up to 350 users
3BA00625AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 500 ACT28/INT IP‚ without Appliance Server up to 500 users
3BA00746AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 80 without Appliance Server up to 80 users‚ 230V (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00746AV Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 80 without Appliance Server up to 80 users (48V)
3BA00747AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 150 ACT14/INT IP‚ without Appliance Server up to 150 users
3BA00748AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 350 ACT14/INT IP‚ without Appliance Server up to 350 users
3BA00749AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 350 ACT28/INT IP‚ without Appliance Server up to 350 users
3BA00750AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 500 ACT28/INT IP‚ without Appliance Server up to 500 users
Enterprise Base System - IP Communication Server
3BA00617CA OmniPCX Enterprise equipped with an Appliance Server IBM Maokong, 1GB of memory (available from OXE R9.0)
3BA00678CA OmniPCX Enterprise equipped with an Appliance Server HPG6, 2GB of memory (available from OXE R9.0)
3BA00726AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise IP Rack Server‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ 110/230V‚ must be usedwith external battery and rack
3BA00726AV Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise IP Rack Server‚ CS-2 CPU Board‚ 48V
IP Media Gateway
3BA00511AB Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 80 users‚ with 230V power supply (must be used with external battery and rack), One rack module 3U & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board
3BA00511AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 80 users‚ with 48V power supply, One rack module 3U & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board
3BA00751AA Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 80 users‚ with 230V power supply (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00751AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 80 users‚ with 48V power supply
3BA00512AB Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 150 users‚ with 230V power supply (must be used with external battery and rack), Two rack modules 3U & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board
3BA00512AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 150 users‚ with 48V power supply, Two rack modules 3U & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board
3BA00752AA Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 150 users‚ with 230V power supply (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00752AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 150 users‚ with 48V power supply
3BA00513AB Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 250 users‚ with 230V power supply (must be used with external battery and rack), Three rack modules 3U & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board
3BA00513AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 250 users‚ with 48V power supply, Three rack modules 3U & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board
3BA00753AA Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 250 users‚ with 230V power supply (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00753AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Media Gateway cabinets up to 250 users‚ with 48V power supply
IP Remote Unit for Branch Office
3BA00503AC Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 8 up to 8 users‚ 110/230V (must be used with external battery and rack), One rack 1 module & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board,mixed board with 2 T0 + 4 UAI + 4 SLI (MIX2/4/4)
3BA00503AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 8 up to 8 users‚ 48V, One rack 1 module & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board,mixed board with 2 T0 + 4 UAI + 4 SLI (MIX2/4/4)
3BA00504AC Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 12A up to 12 users‚ 110/230V (must be used with external battery and rack), One rack 1 module & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board,mixed board with 4 T0 + 4 UAI + 8 SLI (MIX4/4/8)
3BA00504AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 12A up to 12 users‚ 48V, One rack 1 module & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board,mixed board with 4 T0 + 4 UAI + 8 SLI (MIX4/4/8)
3BA00505AC Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 12D up to 12 users‚ 110/230V (must be used with external battery and rack), One rack 1 module & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board,mixed board with 4 T0 + 8 UAI + 4 SLI (MIX4/8/4)
3BA00505AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 12D up to 12 users‚ 48V, One rack 1 module & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board,mixed board with 4 T0 + 8 UAI + 4 SLI (MIX4/8/4)
3BA00507AC Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit X-IP for IP users‚ 110/230V (must be used with external battery and rack), One rack 1 module & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board
3BA00507AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit X-IP for IP users‚ 48V, One rack 1 module & Gateway driver processing unit GD,MADA-3 board
3BA00754AA Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 8 up to 8 users‚ 110/230V (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00754AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 8 up to 8 users‚ 48V
3BA00755AA Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 12A up to 12 users‚ 110/230V (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00755AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 12A up to 12 users‚ 48V
3BA00756AA Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 12D up to 12 users‚ 110/230V (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00756AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit 12D up to 12 users‚ 48V
3BA00757AA Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit X-IP for IP users‚ 110/230V (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00757AV Alcatel-Lucent IP Remote Unit X-IP for IP users‚ 48V
OmniPCX Common hardware
Public & Private accesses
3EH73006AB Digital Public Access T0 BRA8 Board - 8 Basic Rate Accesses
3EH73006AC Digital Public Access T0 BRA4 Board - 4 Basic Rate Accesses
3EH73006AD Digital Public Access T0 BRA2 Board - 2 Basic Rate Accesses
3EH73007AC Digital Public Access Board - 1 Primary Rate T1 Access
3EH73007AD E1-CAS Digital access board for E1 line
3EH73007AE T1-CAS Digital access board for T1 line
3EH73031AE APA8 Analog trunk access board for 8 trunk lines
3EH73031BE APA4 Analog trunk access board for 4 trunk lines
3EH73034AB CLIDSP APA daughtercard for local management of CLI signals
3EH73044CA 16 kHz metering card
3EH75004AA E1 - T2 Balun Kit - RJ45 to coaxial
3EH76037AA Digital Public Access Board - 1 Primary Rate E1 T2 Access
3EH76037AC Digital Public Access Board - 1 Primary Rate Access E1 - DASS2
User interfaces
3BA00775AA Reflexes™ Interfaces Board - 4 UA interfaces, for Essential Program (under conditions)
3EH73005AD Reflexes™ Interfaces Board - 4 UA interfaces
3BA00775AC Digital interfaces board UAI16-1 : 16 digital interfaces, for Essential Program (under conditions)
3EH73050AB Digital interfaces board UAI16-1 : 16 digital interfaces
3BA00776BC Analog Interfaces Board SLI16-2 : 16 analog interfaces, for Essential Program (under conditions)
3EH73052AB Analog Interfaces Board SLI16-1 : 16 analog interfaces
3EH73092AB Analog Interfaces Board SLI16-2 : 16 analog interfaces
3BA00776BB Analog Interfaces Board SLI8-2 : 8 analog interfaces, for Essential Program (under conditions)
3EH73052AC Analog Interfaces Board SLI8-1 : 8 analog interfaces
3EH73092AC Analog Interfaces Board SLI8-2 : 8 analog interfaces
3BA00776BA Analog Interfaces Board SLI4-2 : 4 analog interfaces, for Essential Program (under conditions)
3EH73052AD Analog Interfaces Board SLI4-1 : 4 analog interfaces
3EH73092AD Analog Interfaces Board SLI4-2 : 4 analog interfaces
3EH73054AB LANX16-2 Ethernet LAN switch board equipped with 16 ports
3EH73015AB ISDN mixed board / 4 T0 + 8 UAI + 4 SLI
3EH73015AC ISDN mixed board / 4 T0 + 4 UAI + 8 SLI
3EH73015AD ISDN mixed board / 2 T0 + 4 UAI + 4 SLI
3BA00775AB Reflexes™ Interfaces Board - 8 UA interfaces, for Essential Program (under conditions)
3EH73005AC Reflexes™ Interfaces Board - 8 UA interfaces
3BA00403AA Communication Server Central Processing Unit with SDRAM 256 and harddisk
3BA00407AA Module link kit 1 for the first additional expansion module includes 2 x HSL1 daugtherboards‚ one MEX controller board and one uplink cable
3BA00408AA Module link kit 2 for the second additional expansion module includes 1 x HSL2 daugtherboard‚ one MEX controller board and one uplink cable
3BA00431AB MGA8 pack‚ 8 VoIP compression channels. One GA card‚ one 8 IP channels MADA daughter board
3BA00432AB MGA24 pack‚ 24 VoIP compression channels. One GA card‚ one 24 IP channels MADA3 daughter board
3BA00437AB Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise IP Media Server‚ 110/230V one rack 1 module‚ Com Server processing unit CS‚ with SDRAM 256 MB and Hard Disk‚(must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00437AV Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise IP Media Server‚ 48V one rack 1 module‚ Com Server processing unit CS (with SDRAM 256 MB and Hard Disk)
3BA00633AA “Passive Communication Server” board equipped
3BA00711AC BiCS Server Platform equipped with R2.2 software
3BA00727AA Communication Server Central Processing Unit‚ CS-2 CPU Board with SDRAM 1GBytes and harddisk
3BA00728AA Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise IP Media Server‚ 110/230V one rack 1 module‚ Com Server processing unit CS-2‚ with SDRAM 1 GBytes and Hard Disk‚(must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00728AV Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise IP Media Server‚ 48V one rack1module‚Com Server processing unit CS-2‚ with SDRAM 1GBytes and Hard
3BA00729AA “Passive Communication Server” board equipped with CS-2 CPU Board with SDRAM 1GBytes and hard disk
3BA00758AA pack including one GA3 board aquipped with one additional ARMADA board
3BA00767AA Module link kit 1 for the first additional expansion module includes 2 x HSL1 daugtherboards‚ one PowerMEX controller board and one uplink cable
3BA00768AA Module link kit 2 for the second additional expansion module includes 1 x HSL2 daugtherboard‚ one PowerMEX controller board and one uplink cable
3BA23275AB ARMADA daughter board for 30 additional compression pathes
3BA27582CA Appliance Server IBM Maokong, equipped with 1 GB of memory (available from OXE R9.0)
3BA27704CA Appliance Server HP G6, equipped with 2 GB of memory (available from OXE R9.0)
3BA27707AA BiCS IBM Appliance Server 8GB of memory
3BA27708AA USB hardware peripheral used to secure BiCS software licenses
3EH73014AB HSL2 board for the second additional expansion module.
3EH73014AC HSL1 board for the first additional expansion module.
3EH73048BB Communication Server Central Processing Unit with SDRAM 256MB (CS board)
3EH73048BC Gateway Driver CPU (GD-2 board)
3EH73048BD CPU applicative board (GA-2 board)
3EH73049AD XMEM-1 daughter board - interface for IDE hard disk adaptation
3EH73084AE Gateway Driver CPU (GD-3 board)
3EH73084AF CPU applicative board (GA-3 board)
3EH73086AB Communication Server Central Processing Unit‚ CS-2 CPU Board with SDRAM 1GBytes
3EH75056AA SDRAM 256MB for Call Server board Common Hardware
3EH76031AD SATA Hard disk for CPU card Call Server
3EU23012AA MADA3 compression board: 24 ressources
3EU23013AA MADA1 compression board: 8 ressources
3EU27007AA MWP board (remote worker protection app) for Common Hardware
3EH73026AD Controller board MEX
3EH73084AC Controller board PowerMEX
3EH73042AC AFU-1 Daughtercard for auxiliaries connections
3EH73013AB CPU LanSwitch Daughterboard
3BA00404AB Rack 1 module‚ with 110V/230V power supply (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00404AV Rack1 module‚ with 48V power supply
3BA00406AB Rack 3 module‚ with 230 V power supply (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00406AV Rack3 module‚ with 48V power supply
3BA27135AA Kit for Common Hardware battery mounting in standard 19 inch rack
3EH75015AA Wall mounted kit for Rack 1
3EH76034AA Blind slot stiffner (x1)
3EH08119AA Blind slot stiffners kit (x5)
3EH75007AA Mounting kit for Rack 1
3EH75001AB Mounting kit for Rack 3
3EH75012AB Power back-up rack kit
Power supply back-up
3EH76181AA Rack charger 48V/14AH without rectifier
3EH76185AA Rectifier 500W for rack charger
3EH76187AA Extension battery rack
3EH76210AA Enhanced power back-up 1250 kit: power backup 1500 & external battery for Uninterrupted Power Supply 1500 powers 100 watts during 1H30 hours.
3EH76211AA Additional external battery for Uninterrupted Power Supply 1250‚ with an additional 100 watts lasting 4 hours
3EH76090AE UPS range : Power back-up 375 VA (55W/1H)
3EH76177AC External stack battery box 36V for OmniPCX Office Rack 3
3EH76156AA 7AH/12V battery
3EH76090AH UPS range : Power back-up 1000 VA (105W/1H)
3EH76090AG UPS range : Power back-up 1500 VA (185W/1H)
3EH76155AA Rack box for external batteries 12V
3EH76155AB Rack box for external batteries 36V
3EH76177AB External stack battery box 12V for OmniPCX Office Rack 1&2
Additional equipments & Remote maintenance
3BA00626AA Remote Maintenance Access pack‚ rack 1 module (must be used with external battery and rack)
3BA00626AV Remote Maintenance Access pack 48V‚ rack1 module
3EU23009AA Remote Maintenance Access board
3EU23010AB MODB board with modem
System cables
3AK21492AA Straight Ethernet cable - RJ45/RJ45 - Length = 3 m
3BA03215AA Generic power cord
3EH35004AA Power cord country Europe (VII) for OmniPCX Office Unit 1‚2&3
3EH75003AA Adaptation cable RJ45 to DB9 female‚ 3m long
3EU28000AA Crossed cable RJ45/RJ45 3 meters
OmniPCX Crystal Hardware
Public & Private accesses
3AH37003AA 12/16 kHz charge unit detector (4) card for analog trunk board
3BA23064AC PCM2 board‚ pulse code modulation board (1)
3BA23073AB BRA2-1 board‚ T0 basic rate access (8)
3BA23077AB RT2-1 board remote connection through leased T2 links
3BA23079AB TNLO21 board optical fiber link (2)
3BA23088AB TNLO11 board optical fiber link
3BA23164AB DPT1-2 board‚ T1 2 x primary rate accesses (24)
3BA23171AB NDDI2-2 board analog trunk (8)
3BA23173AA CLIPIA card class services option (4 circuits)
3BA23254AB NPRAE-2 board 2 x T2 accesses
3BA53107AA APFU card‚ analog trunk diversion card
3BA53116AA EMTL board‚ 6 analog tie-lines (2 or 4 wires + E&M)
User interfaces
3BA03108AB DECT 8 pack‚ DECT8 board and 3 software licenses for 10 users
3BA23265AB e-Z32 board‚ 32 anolog interfaces
3BA23266AA e-UA32 board‚ 32 UA interfaces
3BA53173AA DECT8 mother board for 8 radio base stations for system upgrade & maintenance
3BD19218AH 6U recording interface board for 8 x 2G or 3G UA sets
3BA00180AB INTOF2 pack including 2 x INTOF2 boards + cable for connection of peripheral ACT on main ACT
3BA00442AB VoIP access board including INT-IP2 board with 1 GIP4-1 card
3BA00443AB VoIP access board including INT-IP2 board with 2 GIP4-1 cards
3BA00444AB VoIP access board including INT-IP2 board with 1 GIP4-4 card
3BA00445AB VoIP access board including INT-IP2 board with 2 GIP4-4 cards
3BA00759AA VoIP access board INT-IP3 board including one 10/100/1000 BT connecting card
3BA00760AA Pack with one VoIP access board INT-IP3 board + one 10/100/1000 BT connecting card+ one ARMADA daughter board for 30 additional com pression pathes
3BA00760AB Pack with one VoIP access board INT-IP3 board + one 10/100/1000 BT connecting card+ two ARMADA daughter boards for 60 additional co mpression pathes
3BA00760AC Pack with one VoIP access board INT-IP3 board + one 10/100/1000 BT connecting card+ three ARMADA daughter boards for 90 additional compression pathes
3BA23124AA ISAB2 card: Bus card between CPU and IO2N boards (with 2 connectors)
3BA23190AB IO2N board: Board for 60 system B channels (V120 interface connection)
3BA23193AC INT-IP2 board: Board for spare
3BA23241AA GPA2 board : conf 29‚ Dynamic + Static (4 language) Voice Guide
3BA23243AA 10/100BASE-T connector
3BA23259AA CPU7 board
3BA23259AB CPU7-2 board
3BA23260AA INTOF2 board: Inter Crystal board
3BA23263AA GIP4-4 board
3BA23264AA GIP4-1 board
3BA23274AB VoIP access board INT-IP3 board
3BA23278AA 10/100/1000 BT connecting card
3BA27013AB SATA hard disk for CPU or 4635 board
3BA27056AA SDRAM 256 MB: 256 MB memory card for CPU7/CPU7-2
3BA27308AA MWP board : Mobile worker protection embedded gateway (to be used with notification server)
3BA53119AA COST-MU card: Multi-mode optical transmission system card (to use with INTOF)
3BA53152AA COST-MO card: Mono-mode optical transmission system card (to use with INTOF)
3EH75011AA SDRAM 128MB for CPU6
3BA00070AD M2 empty cabinet
3BA00071AD M3 empty cabinet
3BA00409AA MI sized empty cabinet‚ with 230 V power supply
3BA00485AA Second MI empty cabinet‚ with 230V power supply
3BA26272AA MI power rack 2 slots 220V
3BA26276AA MI european socket trip
3BA26277AA MI UK socket trip
3BA26340AB M2/M3 variable speed top fans
3BA26341AB M3 variable speed middle fan
3BA27118AA ACT28 mounting kit for installation in data cabinet
3BA27119AA ACT14 mounting kit for installation in data cabinet
3BA27121AA PSAL and 48V data cabinet (ACT) connecting kit
3BA27132AA Variable speed fans for data cabinet (ACT)
3BA27134AA ACT shipment kit
3BA56006AA ACT14 shelf: Shelf 6U/14 slots
3BA56007AA ACT28 shelf: Shelf 12U/28 slots
3BA56063AM M2 packed doors front & rear
3BA56064AM M3 packed doors front & rear
3BA56065AA M2 packed lateral sides
3BA56066AA M3 packed lateral sides
3BA56067AA M2/M3 top cover packed
3BA56097AA M2/M3 fitting part. cables
3BA56104AA M3 deflector
3BA57002 Kit of labels for OmniPCX product
Power Supply
3BA26223AA 15 AH battery elements for cabinet MI
3BA26224AA 35 AH battery elements for cabinet MI
3BA26274AA Power supply for MI 220V/600W
3BA27302AA 230V optional second 5 slots power rack for increasing power
3BA27304AA Optional battery shelf for battery inside power supply cabinet
3BA27305AA PSC rectifier cabinet
3BA57075AA 48V/15 AH battery elements
3BA57076AA 48V/38 AH battery elements
3BA57184AA 48V/24 AH battery elements
3BA57185AA 48V/65 AH battery elements
3BA57186AA 48V/65 AH battery box + connection kit
3BA57205AA Wall-mounted 48 V/25 A 230 V rectifier
3BA57206AA Wall-mounted 48 V/40 A 230 V rectifier
3BA57218AA 48/24V‚ 38 AH battery box + connection kit
3BA57347AA 48V‚ 75 AH battery box + connection kit
3BA57348AA 48V‚ 75 AH battery elements
Additional equipments & Remote maintenance
3BA00151AC RMA 10/100B-T (remote maintenance access) board + PWS cable
3BA23081AB RMAB board: Remote Maintenance Access Board
3BA53143AA Conver cm9 without box: Converter 48V/220V for VH remote maintenance modem
3BA56174AC CBRMA 10/100B-T connecting box: CPU6 connecting box for remote maintenance access(V24 for maintenance & external application)
3BA56196AA Convert CM9 with box: Converter 48V/220V for WM1‚ M2 and M3 remote maintenance modem
3BA57117BG Asynchronous telemaintenance modem for VH‚ WM1‚ M2 and M3 cabinets
System & MDF cables
3BA27002AA Bayonet/screw BNC adaptor
3BA27003AA MDF TY5 9pts DIN/BNC cable adaptor for 75 ohms
3BA28022AB RMAB/CBRMA 5 m system cable‚ RMAB board to CBRMA connecting box
3BA28023UB Crossed 2 pairs cable‚ length 1.8 m
3BA28028AA 15 m cable from CBRMA to MDF
3BA28033AA 25 m cable from CBRMA to MDF
3BA28033HA 25 m halogen free cable from CBRMA to MDF
3BA28036AA 55 m cable from CBRMA to MDF
3BA28036HA 55 m halogen free cable from CBRMA to MDF
3BA28040AA CPU/CBRMA 10 m system cable
3BA28041AA CPU backup 1 m system cable
3BA28044AA 10 m cable from CBRMA to MDF
3BA28046AA MMS/CPU slave 1 m system cable‚ MMSFD board to CPU redundancy board
3BA28112AA RJ45 cable /DB25M-2.5M
3BA28113AA CPU/CBRMA 1.8m system cable for MI
3BA28132AA RMAB/CBRMA 2 m system cable‚ RMAB board to CBRMA connecting box for MI
3BA28157AA 10 m cable from DPT1 to MDF
3BA28158AA 25 m cable from DPT1 to MDF
3BA28160AA 55 m cable from DPT1 to MDF
3BA28164AA 15 m cable from DPT1 to MDF
3BA28166AA RJ45E1NT 6 m system cable
3BA28167AA 10 m cable for DECT8 board to MDF
3BA28188AA 15 m cable for DECT8 board to MDF
3BA28189AA 25 m cable for DECT8 board to MDF
3BA28191AA 55 m cable for DECT8 board to MDF
3BA28208AA 10/100B-T CPU6 to connecting box 10 m system cable
3BA28209AA 10/100B-T CPU6 to connecting box 2 m system cable (For MI only)
3BA28224AA Cable (2 meters length) between the 48Volts DC charger and the 48Volts ACT in data rack format
3BA57020AA Kit of 20 connectors 2x32 pts
3BA57027AA Kit of locking connectors (spare parts only)
3BA58018AA INT/INT 5 m system cable‚ INT1A to INT1B or INTOF to INTOF
3BA58019AA 15 m MDF TY2 96pts DIN cable for PRA‚ BPRA‚ PCM (120 ohm) boards
3BA58020AB 15 m MDF TY1 64pts DIN cable for UA‚ Z‚ NDDI‚ BRA boards
3BA58027AA 15 m MDF TY4 96pts DIN cable from CPU to MDF
3BA58029AA 25 m MDF TY4 96pts DIN cable from CPU to MDF
3BA58031AA 55 m MDF TY4 96pts DIN cable from CPU to MDF
3BA58038AB 25 m MDF TY1 64pts DIN cable for UA‚ Z‚ NDDI‚ BRA boards
3BA58038HB 25 m MDF TY1 64pts DIN halogen free cable for UA, Z, NDDI, BRA boards
3BA58040AB 55 m MDF TY1 64pts DIN cable for UA‚ Z‚ NDDI‚ BRA boards
3BA58040HB 55 m MDF TY1 64pts DIN halogen free cable for UA, Z, NDDI, BRA boards
3BA58042AA 25 m MDF TY2 96pts DIN cable for PRA‚ BPRA‚ PCM (120 ohm) boards
3BA58042HA 25 m MDF TY2 96pts DIN halogen free cable for PRA, BPRA, PCM (120 ohm) boards
3BA58044AA 55 m MDF TY2 96pts DIN cable for PRA‚ BPRA‚ PCM (120 ohm) boards
3BA58044HA 55 m MDF TY2 96pts DIN halogen free cable for PRA, BPRA, PCM (120 ohm) boards
3BA58074AA CPU redundancy to connecting box 10 m system cable
3BA58109AB 10 m MDF TY1 64pts DIN cable for UA‚ Z‚ NDDI‚ BRA boards
3BA58110AA 10 m MDF TY2 96pts DIN cable for PRA‚ BPRA‚ PCM (120 ohm) boards
3BA58142AA CPU redundancy to connecting box 2 m system cable for MI
OmniPCX Software
Business iCS software packs
3BA00707AA BiCS IP with 10 Business IP users + 10 Call by name
3BA00708AA BiCS TDM with 10 Business UA users + 10 Call by name
3BA00709AA BiCS 4760: 4760 Performance for 10 extensions
3BA00710AA BiCS 4760 VoIP: 4760 VoIP Performance for 10 extensions
3BA00715AA BiCS 4760 Starter pack + directory 10 extensions
Business software options
3BA00570AA Premium pack 50 includes ARS‚ accounting‚ configuration licenses for e-CS 50 engine and embedded voice guides license
3BA00570AB Premium pack 80 includes ARS‚ accounting‚ configuration licenses for e-CS 80 engine and embedded voice guides license
3BA00570AC Premium pack 150 includes ARS‚ accounting‚ configuration licenses for e-CS 150 engine and embedded voice guides license
3BA00570AD Premium pack 350 includes ARS‚ accounting‚ configuration licenses for e-CS 350 engine and embedded voice guides license
3BA00571AA Privilege pack 50 includes A4645 engine license‚ A4645 users for e-CS 50 engine‚ ARS‚ accounting‚ configuration licenses for e-CS 50 engine and em

